Sunday, October 08, 2006

More wedding photos

Please bear with my "Lost" of contact with the blogging stuff...


after such a long time...I forgot to attach photos of the wedding...

enjoy and take care!


It has been a long time since last I post anything on my blog cos we had lost our camera. Anyway, we managed to claim back from our insurance last week. However, we did come up with additional money to get a better camera.

Anyway, I have been very very very busy and will still be busy until end of November because of my course. Good news is that I am almost completing my 3 years course ...although the journey had been very tough for me and my family I am glad that I hang on to it until today.

Just attended my husband's cousin wedding (Bride) ...Peter in case you might have forgotten his name. Peter's cousin just got married yesterday at her place. The wedding reception was held at her own backyard. Actually her garden...

Both Peter's uncle and aunt had been very busy keeping the garden neat and tidy. Anyway, we arrived earlier because we had offered to give them our helping hands but the weather was so cold in the morning and poor me had to stand outside arranging the food.

Despite the weather was very cold with the strong wind but it was a beautiful morning. All the guests arrived at about 11 a.m. and the wedding ceremony began at 11.30 a.m. It was a simple ceremony filled with laughter and joy.

Lots of kueh kueh...yum missed them so much. My second job during the wedding ceremony was incharged on making bubbles with my girls and my friend's son. After the reception, we left their place and went home for a good rest.

In the evening, we went to the city for the Wedding Dinner. The dinner started at 7.00 p.m. and finished at 10.20 p.m. It was about 3 hours and guess what? we had a 12 course dinner - no way we could finish the 12 course plus with 3 children at our table... after eating so much I can't even remember what I had eaten all I knew was that I skipped 5 course - lobster, prawn and glutinous rice with lotus leaf, wedding cake and the duck something.

By the time we reached home it was about 11.00 p.m. Good thing was I managed to watch my "24" alone while everyone was in bed. Boy! I regretted so much after having that feast...I really had hard time going to bed and to make thing worst ----"Look! at my photo...I feel I had gained so much weight. I think there might be something wrong with my mirror in the my bathroom. I never realised it until I saw my photo. What puzzle me the most was that I am really under lot of stress with my course and yet I am still gaining weight...

Mission after this Wedding dinner ... is to loose some weight coz there will be two dinners for me during December and I really hope to look "SLIM" Ha! Ha!

Got to watch what I put into my mouth...

Anyway, I need to stop here and will return perhaps soon in November.

LUV from the southern hemisphere

Friday, April 21, 2006

Kathlynn 8th Birthday Celebration

Kathlynn celebrated her 8th Birthday with her friends from school and also two of her personal friends. It was also quite an experience for her grandparent Ah Ma and Ah Gong. Why? no adults were invited. Parents dropped off their children @11.00 a.m. and came back to pick them up @3.00 p.m. So, for some parents it is an opportunty for them to do something on their own without the children "bothering" them. For the lunch, we had sausage sizzles, "fairy bread", nuggets, jelly, juices, etc. The kids love the food. We also made a pinata for the children to hit "with lots of sweets and balloons inside it". The children loved it especially with the lollies.

As usual we also had "passing puzzles". Guess what? Kathlynn cried because she did not have a present....make it the last time before actually turns eight! The children love Kathlynn's birthday cake - lots of m&ms -Kathlynn decorated her birthday's cake by herself. When Kathlynn started to unwrap her presents infront of her friends Ah Gong and Ah Ma suggested it would be better not to do that infront of her friends. With my explanation, it is Kiwi norms to unwrap the presents infront of the person who gave you the present. On contrary, it is rude if you do not open up the present infront them.

Anyway, the outcome of Kathlynn's birthday was good. Not really messy! Ah Gong offer a helping hand with the cleaning that has made a huge different for me.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hi Everyone

It has been quite some times since I last post something on my Blog.
Anyway, today we had such a wonderful day at the temple. It is the Buddha Birthday Celebration at our Temple. The girls and myself were helping at the event for the fourth time since we arrived in New Zealand.

Kimberley was dressed up as a flower girl, Kathlynn dressed up in Kimono. As for me, last minute stand-in for somebody who did not turn up at the offering. I dressed up in The Korean costume. Very funny and weird of course....

Well, everything went well. Then it started to rain...very heavy It was a blessing that we had just finished the ceremony. So most of us were dry!!!

The temple had also invited different religion to pray for "World Peace" This includes Christian, Muslim, Catholic. Apart from these special guests. We had different monks from different ethnic group - Thai, Korean and also Sri Lankan.

The girls also performed in a dance too. After two months of preparations, humdreds of people helping and those hours people have committed...we are glad it is now over and we are infact looking forward to the next year celebration.


Friday, February 10, 2006

Lantern Festival

Well! We just came back from the Lantern Festival which is held every year during the Lunar New Year at Albert Park next to the University of Auckland. This is our fifth time attending the Lantern Festival. We enjoyed the crowd, the shows and also the food. It reminds us about those foodfares/funfares in Singapore. There is about hundred stalls selling different kind of food. Mainly from the Asian. To avoid the parking problems, we were there very early about 5 this afternoon. However, we did not stay till dark because it would be around half eight before the sun begins to set.
The girls invited their good friend, En Tong to sleepover at our place yesterday and she came along with us too. The girls enjoyed their friend's company rather than the food.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Yu Sheng

Yeah! I have successfully made my first Yu Sheng without using the ingredients from Singapore. Very proud of my masterpiece.

Chief Elaine

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Gong Xi Fa Cai - Chinese New Year Celebration

Today is the first of the Lunar New Year. The girls and myself went to the temple to help out at the Food Fare. Selling spring rolls. I was the cashier and the girls helped to distribute forks. There were heaps of people at the temple. Lots of Caucasians and of course Asians. We will be at the temple to help out again tomorrow.

What a great way to celebrate New Year with other people.


Friday, January 27, 2006

My Little Princess

Kathlynn was invited to her friend's birthday party. The theme is Princess' Party. Her Korean friend has also hired a clown to perform during the party. Just imagine - "How much will that cost?" In addition, they will be making crowns to wear during the party. But Kathlynn wanted a tiara instead. So we bought a tiara for $2.00 from the "1-2-3- shop". "Super blur" Kathlynn told me that her friend's birthday was in December instead the birthday party is in January. As a result, we bought her friend a dolly one month ago.
Anyway, this was the first time that Kathlynn wanted to put on a dress. Hurray! my daughters are starting to know that they are actually girls and they are supposed to be dressing more like girls. In addition, the girls have also decided to wear skirts for this CNY. Their daddy should call for a celebration because he always complains I should stop buying pants and shorts for the girls. Apparently, 95% of their clothing are T-shirts, pants and shorts. Guess what? I only paid for $15.00 for this dress from JK - it was on 50% discount on Boxing Day. Very good deal!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

It has been very warm lately. Hardly any rain at all. In addition, the flies are the only visitors that love to spend their day inside the house. As for us, we prefer to stay outside than inside the house. Last Saturday, Peter and the girls had a sleepout at our garden. Not for me, I prefer my bed rather than sleeping in the tent. Just think of the spiders and other insects crawling into the tent! Yuck! I would have nightmare instead of the fun!

Anyway, the girls had enjoyed their holiday so far before going back to school in two weeks times. Kimberley will be a Year 6 student and she had just found out that her class teacher is Mrs A.Kalra - a Singh. Not much information about the teacher. Kathlynn will be Year 4. She is very happy that her class teacher is Mr Dean Nevalagi. Apparently, Mr Nevalagi always shows lots of TLC (Tender Loving Care) towards the children. Most children enjoy having him. Well, hope the girls will do well this year.

Chinese New Year will be a simple celebration for us. I will be going to the temple in the morning then have lunch with Peter's aunt and her family. We might go into the city in the evening because there will be firecrackers' display and some Chinese cultural event at "Sky City".


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Temple Reunion Dinner

This evening we participated in the Temple Reunion Dinner. This is our third year attending this event. There were about one thousand people at the temple. There was short prayer before proceeding with the dinner. Then the Abbess gave "Hong Bao" to us except Peter. He turned up for the dinner @ 7.10 p.m. Anyway, this picture was taken at the courtyard. Hopefully, the completion will be ready in somewhere this year.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Windy Days
Windy days, Windy nights.
Some trees move from side to side,
Some trees hit the power lines.
Some sisters are very little
they usually get a fright,
and houses are all
lit with candles
it's really quite sight,
Then we all jump in one bed
and have a pillow fight.
I tell spooky stories ,
well into the night .
Then we finally fall asleep,
we hold each other tight,
Until the morning rises
and everything is
By kathlynn ,7 years
Picture taken @ Auckland Museum - Dressup's corner

If I Were...
If I were a tree,
I would grow branches longer than a giraffe's neck.
I would grow as high as the sky.
I would shade people from the burning sun.
People will have picnics under me.
Birds will hatch in their nest, on my branch.
They will chirp happily on me.
I would dance and sway with the wind.
In summer children will climb on me.
In autumn leaves will fall.
In winter I will be resting.
In spring leaves will grow on me.
That is what I would do if I were a

Day @ Cornwall Park

Today, we decided to drive to Cornwall Park for a picnic. It is about 20 minutes drive from our place. I have made some chocolate muffins the day before. Hence our lunch would be muffins, grapes and orange juice - minimum cost coz not working at the moment. The girls also brought along their arts' kits so that they could doing some drawings. We also brought the kite too.
It was a beautiful day. Blue sky with a slight breeze. However, the sun is rather strong. Lots of sun lotion and hats.
There were not many people when we arrived at the park. However, more people turned up during lunch. Handful of people were playing cricket! A NZ game that I have yet to appreciate!
The girls were busy doing their drawings. As for me, flying kite instead. In addition, Kimberley also decided to write a poem about "Tree". We have noticed there were many different types of trees at the park. As a result, she was inspired to write a poem at that moment. On the other hand, Kathlynn also wrote a poem about "A Windy Day" when she was at home.
We have been to the park many times but this is the first time we actually took our time to explore the park. Guess what? I guess the size of the park is as big as Orchard Road - No kidding. There is a farm within the park! I even have to give way to some sheep to cross the road. Hilarious!
Anyway, it's so wonderful to see how much fun the grils have during the trip.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Buddha's Birthday / Multicultural Celebration at Aoetera Square in Queens Street

Kimberley and Kathlynn had participated in the offerings during the last year celebration. It was a wonderful experience for both of them. They looked so "girl"....

Kimberley also took part in the Chinese Drum and symbols.

Friday, January 06, 2006

30 December 2005
Beautiful weather - Sunny and no gusty wind

Well, we decided to have BBQ for lunch today.

Sausage, bread, lettuce, tomatoes and different types of sauce.

Easy for me not much of the cleaning and washing.

LUV elaine