Wednesday, December 28, 2005

28 December 2005

Today, we went to Coromandel again. Peter was at the site while we spent the whole morning at the beach. Here are some photos that we took.

Can you imagine how much weight I had gained during the break. I really need to do something.
First ...No more chocolate and ice cream
Second ... Look for another job of course
Third...Cannot wait for the "Siong" year ahead of those endless assignments

Apart from these.....I look more like a "Tai Tai"..Heeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Day Trip
Kimberley, Kathlynn and their cousin, Tiffany @ Long Bay

Lunch @ Puhui Cheese Farm

"Pig's head!- contestant needs to touch the pig's nose by using their nose.

Kimberley is eating mashed chocolate plus something else

Kathlynn puts her hand into a tub of "live" worms and dirt - Yuck!

Kathlynn is performing her stunt on the ladder.

Halloween Night @ The Church
The girls took part in the "Fear Factor"

BBQ at my place - 9 December 2005

Tonight two of my coursemates came to my place for BBQ. The one in "Blue" is my mentor, Marina Jellyman with her son, Anthony. Lynette Franklin just had a baby girl, Madison in October. She has an older boy, Ryan who is 9. They are very nice people that I had met during my course. Well, we had a good time after a long hectic year and looking forward to next year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Girl's Concert

Kimberley had her recent concert last month. She was in the keyboard class. This is her third concert so far since she started her keyboard lessons two years ago. Apparently, Kathlynn had her first concert in September too. She was playing violin.
Anyway, I had stopped their lessons next year because I could forsee my busy schedule. Kimberley is now taking up private piano lessons - it costs me $25 for 45 minutes per lesson - I told her if she is not interested I will get her sister to learn instead. As for Kathlynn, she will be moving to Keyboard's lessons instead of violin. She seems to have more confident in playing keyboard than violin. Another reason is two sessions per week for violin lessons and this will jeopardise with my schedule. This year, Kathlynn has been missing out some of her lessons because of my tight schedule. As for the cost, it is cheaper to take group lesson. For Kathlynn's lesson, the total amount is $240 for the whole year - approx. $6.70 for half an hour.
Well, hope the girls will enjoy what they are doing.

Picnic at Botanical Garden on Father's Day
1st September 2005
We decided to have a picnic today. Packed some drinks and chips. On the way, we got some KFC too. The weather was beautiful and we spent about 2 hours at the garden. Need to go home and do my assignments.
LUV - Elaine

Tulips in this Spring at our garden
by our gardener : Peter

School Production

Pointview School had a production this year - Muppet's Show. Every children in the middle school which means Year 3 and 4 took part in the production. Apparently, Kathlynn's class enacted the swedish chefs and she is one of those chefs.


Matarangi's Trip

We were away for 3 days at Coromandel Peninsula. It was about 3 hours drive from Auckland. One of Peter's clients had offered us the accommodation at one of the beachfront villas. During our stay, Peter was working at the worksite every day. As a resut, the girls were with me. There is a beautiful golf course, tennis and bowling facilities *not the ten pins bowling and of course the beach.

It is very relaxing but rather quiet with only 3 of us at the beach most of the times. Although it was a short trip the children enjoyed themselves very much.

As usual, Kimberley is "The One" who dares to do a lot of stuffs that I would not even dare. She wanted to bring her body board along for her surfing but I would not allow it. Apparently, the wave is very rough because that is Pacific Ocean! Eventually, she took a swim in the sea within my close watch. Although Kimberley is quite a good swimmer I was still very concerned. I was consistantly nagging at her about the danger. I guess she must be very sick with my nagging!

For Kathlynn, very simple job she spent her time playing with the sand. She loves to build sandcastles and mixing the sand for her "cooking". Although she likes to play in the water she is cautious about her capability. Unlike her sister, Hokkien - Mm Chie See.

Anyway, we had lots of fun during the trip. There is only thing that put the girls off is the driving.....Coastal driving and the mountain's road. Very sharp corner..the speed is always 25/35/25/35 km/per hour. The girls almost throw up when we were returning to Auckland.

Well, both Peter and myself told the girls that in order to overcome their fear about the drive we should make more trips in the near future. Crazy Parent!

Guess what? we will be going again next week!
